Montag, 18. April 2011

Russia - 18th of april 2011

I know, I know, it's been way too long for me to blog but I seriously hadn't got the time. As I received this wonderful postcrossing card from Tomsk today, I couldn't keep it to myself (not that I received any nice mail at all the past weeks, just bills. -.- ).

It is showing a Russian-German culture centre that used to be the house of a merchant in the city of Tomsk.

Plus the stamps are lovely!

Montag, 11. April 2011

Stats March 2011

Outgoing postcrossing cards: 1 (1 Netherlands)
Arrived postcrossing cards: 2 (1 Russia 1 Netherlands)
Received postcrossing cards: 0

Sent letters: 2 (1 Finland 1 Sweden)
Other sent postcards: 0
Sent packages etc: 0

Incoming letters: 1 (1 Sweden)
Incoming packages: 0
Incoming cards: 0

Outgoing total: 3
Arrived total: 2
Incoming total: 1