Dienstag, 14. September 2010

USA / France / Finland - 28th of december 2009

28th of december, right after Christmas. It almost felt like a bit of a christmas gift when I got THREE cards that day.

The first one came from the USA, showing a cute cat with... a lot of hair. :D

And goodness, how I love those Simpsons-stamps!!!

Card no. 2 came from France, showing one of the fleurs de montagne :) It's the Lis safrané (or Lilium croceum).

On the stamp you see René de Saint-Marceaux.

The card I got from Finland that day was definitely the cutest! I looooove the poem on there. It's so cute!

I wonder what kind of flower it is on this stamp, though. It looks nice!

2 Kommentare:

  1. It's nice to see how much love you have for your postcards ^^ I envy Finnish people a bit for their awesome post service with those beautiful stamps and it's even cheaper than Germany! The Simpsons stamps rock ^0^

  2. So true! Their stuff rocks so much :)
